Lived expeditions 2023 In search of new molecules against cancer Location : Barren Islands Mission : Pharmamar Expedition Leader : Bueno Horcajadas Santiago Reportage in relation 2022 Plastic at 33° South in Indian Ocean Location : Offshore - 33° South / 45° to 63° East Mission : Plastic & Marine Megafauna watching Expedition Leader : Margot THIBAULT Reportage in relation 2021 Hawksbill turtles in the Indian Ocean Location : Madagascar Mission : TImOI Expedition Leader : Katia BALLORAIN Reportage in relation 2021 Remote reefs Location : Geyser Bank / Zélée and Glorieuses Mission : Remote reefs Reportage in relation 2021 La Pérouse Seamount / Reunion island Location : La Pérouse Seamount Expedition leader : Jean GADENNE - CENTRE DE SECURITE REQUINS Reportage in relation 2020 Biodiversity of Tungue Bay Seabed Location : Mozambique, Tungue bay Expedition leader : Eric DUTRIEUX - CREOCEAN Reportage in relation 2020 Rays and sharks monitoring in Chagos Location: CHAGOS Archipelago Expedition leader : Heather KOLOEWEY - ZSL Reportage in relation 2019 Fossil reefs of Aldabra and Assomption Location: Aldabra / Assomption - Seychelles Expedition Leader : Gilbert CAMOIN - CEREGE / CNRS Reportage in relation 2018 A new diet for green turtles in Glorieuses Islands ? Location: Les Glorieuses Mission: COPRA 2 - PANAMAG 4 Expedition Leader : Katia BALLORAIN - AFB Reportage in relation 2018 The ear of Europa Reef : an eco-acoustic approach. Location: Europa Mission: CORCOPA Expedition Leader : Simon ELISE - Réunion University Reportage in relation 2018 Turtles, seagrass and water quality of Glorieuses Island. Location: Les Glorieuses Mission: COPRA - PANAMAG 3 Expedition Leader : Katia BALLORAIN - AFB Reportage in relation 2017 Sharks, dolphins and whales of the west coast of Madagascar. Location: Barens Islands Mission: BRUVS Mission - Global Fin Print Expedition Leader : Jérémy KISZKA Reportage in relation 2016 Coral reefs of Europa island Location: Europa Mission: SIREME - Europa Expedition Leader : Pascale CHABANET - IRD Réunion Reportage in relation 2016 Coral reefs of Mayotte Location: Mayotte Mission: SIREME - Mayotte Expedition Leader : Pascale CHABANET - IRD Réunion Reportage in relation 2016 Amateur radio stations have been broadcasting from Juan de Nova Location: Juan de Nova Mission: DX Avenue Expedition Leader : Sebastien Poulenard Reportage in relation 2015 Coral reefs of Glorieuses islands Location: Les Glorieuses Mission: SIREME Expedition Leader : Pascale CHABANET IRD Réunion Reportage in relation 2015 Marine habitat mapping of Geyser / Zélée banks Location: Geyser / Zélée Mission: EPICURE Expedition Leader : David ROOS Reportage in relation 2015 Biodiversity of the Glorieuses Marine Park Location: Gorieuses Mission: PANAMAG1 Expedition Leader : Katia BALLORAIN Reportage in relation 2015 Marine biodiversity in Mayotte, Geyser and Zélée Location: Mayotte Geyser / La Zélée Mission: ZNIEFF Expedition Leader : Jean-Benoit NICET ARVAM / PARETO Meeting Reportage in relation 2015 Coral, a marker of global warming Location: Glorieuses / Juan de Nova Mission: REEFCORES III Expedition Leader : Gwenael JOUET Ifremer Brest Reportage in relation 2013 Reefs inventory and mapping on Juan de Nova Location: Juan de Nova Mission: BioReCie 3 Expedition Leader : Pascale CHABANET IRD Réunion Reportage in relation 2013 Plankton program Location: Juan de Nova Mission: COMA Expedition Leader : Marc BOUVY - IRD Montpellier Reportage in relation 2013 Coral, a marker of global warming Location: Geyser / Glorieues Mission: REEFCORES II Expedition Leader : Stephan JORRY - Ifremer Brest Reportage in relation 2012 Reef inventory and mapping in Glorieuses Islands Location: Les Glorieuses Mission: BioReCie 2 Expedition Leader : Pascale CHABANET - IRD Réunion Reportage in relation 2012 In search of new bioactive molecules Location: The Mitsio Archipelago Mission: BIOMOL TCN Expedition Leader : Anne BIALEKI - Réunion University Reportage in relation 2012 REEF CHECK reef monitoring at Mitsio Location: Mitsio Archipelago Mission: REEF CHECK Expedition Leader : Jean-Pascal QUOD - ARVAM Reportage in relation 2012 Tagging on Europa turtles Location: Europa Expedition Leader : Stephane CICCIONE - Kelonia Reportage in relation 2011 The mysterious mangrove of Europa Location: Europa / Bassas da India Expedition Leader : Jérôme BOURJEA - Ifremer Réunion Reportage in relation 2011 Reef inventory and mapping in Europa Location: Europa Mission: BioReCie 1 Expedition Leader : Pascale CHABANET - IRD Réunion Reportage in relation 2011 Observation and tagging on humpback whales Location: Mohéli Mission: Megaptera Expedition Leader : Michel VELY Reportage in relation 2011 Reef Monitoring - REEF CHECK Location: Mitsio Mission: REEF CHECK Mitsio Expedition Leader : Jean-Pascal QUOD - ARVAM Reportage in relation 2011 Reef Monitoring - REEF CHECK Location: Radama Mission: REEF CHECK Expedition Leader : Jean-Pascal QUOD - ARVAM Reportage in relation 2010 Humpback whale watching Location: Mohéli Mission: Megaptera Expedition Leader : Michel VELY Reportage in relation 2010 Why turtles return to their birthplace to lay - episode 3 ? Location: Mohéli Expedition Leader : Simon BENHAMOU - CNRS Montpellier Reportage in relation 2010 Juvenile turtles and spectra mapping on 3 Eparses islands Location: Juan de Nova - Bassas da India - Europa Expedition Leader : Jérôme BOURJEA - Ifremer Réunion Reportage in relation 2010 Biodiversity of coral reefs in northeastern Madagascar Location: North-East Coast of Madagascar Mission: RAP Expedition Leader : David OBURA - Conservation Int. Reportage in relation 2009 Ushuaia Nature: Adventures on the Mozambique Channel Location: Mozambique & Mayotte Mission: Ushuaia Nature Expedition Leader : Nicolas Hulot / Florence LOCHMAN - TF1 Production Reportage in relation 2009 Humpback whales watching Location: Moéhli Mission: Megaptera Expedition Leader : Michel VELY Reportage in relation 2009 Why do turtles return to their birthplace to lay ? episode 2 Place: The Glorious and the Geyser's Bench Expedition Leader : Simon BENHAMOU CNRS Montpellier Reportage in relation 2008 OCEAN Documentary Film Location: Geyser Bank Expedition Leader : Jacques PERRIN - Galatée Production Reportage in relation 2008 Mohéli whales with Megaptéra Location: Moéhli Head of mission: Michel VELY - Megaptéra Reportage in relation 2008 Why do turtles return to their birthplace to lay ? episode 1 Location: Les Glorieuses Expedition Leader : Simon BENHAMOU - CNRS Montpellier Reportage in relation 2008 Marine biodiversity at Glorieuses and Geyser Location: Les Glorieuses / The Geyser's banks Expedition Leader : Lionel BIGOT - Réunion University Reportage in relation 2007 On the trail of green turtles between Madagascar and Juan de Nova Location: Northwest Coast of Madagascar to Juan de Nova Expedition Leader : Jérôme BOURJEA - Ifremer Réunion Reportage in relation 2006 The Geyser Reef, 10 years later. Location: Geyser Bank Expedition Leader : Jean-Pascal QUOD - ARVAM Reportage in relation 2006 Europa - The unexplored shrine of sea turtles Location: Europa & Bassas da India Expedition Leader : Jérôme BOURJEA - Ifremer Réunion Reportage in relation